Let me put a disclaimer here: Common vetch (Vicia augustifolia L.) has many local variants of nomenclature in Nepal. I call it 'Kutuli Kosa' as I have heard the same from my elders and in the popular media.

I have also heard people calling this herb Kutil Kosa, Kutul Kosa, Kutali Kosa, Nakata, Akra, and Putali Kosa, among many local variants of nomenclature. Since Nepal is a multiethnic country with many languages, it definitely has more names.
However, In English, this beautiful wild herb is called 'common vetch'. I was particularly interested in the English name for 'Kutuli Kosa'; and had to work a bit harder to find it.
When it comes to my outdoor nature activity for kids, I usually venture together with them around the locality. Since this herb is distributed widely across Nepal and the world, you may also try such experience with family, or during school outdoor projects.

With this herb, and especially the pod that contains tiny pea-like seeds, I have enormous memories of my childhood. I used to collect the mature pods with my friends in the open field and eat the seeds. Children would be more than eager to listen to the childhood stories of adults.
Kutuli Kosa may not fulfill you when you are hungry, for its small size. You may spend hours collecting the pods if you are determined to collect as many as you can in your time. However, the foraging process of 'Kutil Kosa' can be a good outdoor experience with your family and friends.
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