
Quenching the (Reading) Thirst with this Sajha Publication Outlet

Being an avid enthusiast of 'reading culture' and 'spaces for reading', it made me more than exalted when I encountered Sajha Publication Showroom at Bhrikutimandap in 2019.

Sajha Publication Showroom, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu

Well, you might welcome a thought here - "This person must be flaunting of himself"". To be honest, I must reply- "Yes"! I also add that I write to encourage the general populace of Nepal, a country which apparently has a pathetic reading culture given that we have close to 30 million people.

We must acknowledge that we do not have ample reading spaces in our cities, towns and villages. I believe that physical reading spaces can be foundation of 'reading space' in abstract terms. Eventually, this can help in development and evolution of 'intellectual space' in Nepal.

Saying so, I am not pessimistic on this arena. I have seen spaces like Keshar Mahal library and the likes. Adding to my optimism, I have seen a billboard displaying the upcoming building of National Library at Jamal as well.

And this Sajha Publication Showroom, though may not be a physical reading space, added to my hope because of the selection of Nepali literary works books published by Sajha Publications.

Sajha Publication Showroom at Bhrikutimandap
Sajha Publication Shorwoom that lies in the premises of Campus of International Languages (Vishwa Bhaasha Campus), Tribhuvan University, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu. Popularly, this area is also called Bhrikutimandap area.

I decided that I should, at least, try to invoke a reading culture at my home. Hence, whenever I visit the city, I buy books written in Nepali language from this outlet.

This showroom also features few books written in English language. However, Sajha Prakashan (Sajha Publication) has been an exclusive worshipper of Nepali language and literature.

Despite the fact that Nepali is my mother tongue, I have always remained weak at Nepali grammar. Nevertheless, I admire the Nepali language and literature. I feel the rootedness, smell the nation and expect the eternal nationhood with Nepali literature.

So far, I have been completely satisfied with the reading selections that I have brought home. Sajha Publication features written works of Lakshmi Prasad Devkota and B.P. Koirala, among many. I mostly buy children's books and few selections from myself as well.

Sajha Publication Books for Children and Adults
I am a proud parent who reads and has motivated kids to read Nepali literary works.

The price of the books are not high as they are not mostly hard cover. Believe me or not, I have bought a hard-cover version of a Nepali dictionary (kids' version) in less than 300 Nepali rupees. Trust me, this dictionary also serves well to the adults. Some of the books that I bought from this outlet may be featured in my digital bookshelf.


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  1. Great to hear...I was searching for Boks for my grandfather to read..Ones that featured his time and are enjoyable to him. Went there and ended up buying few for me as well.

    1. Dear 'Anonymous',
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I wish entire Nepal develops a good reading culture.

