
Become a minimalist by not throwing an old pair of shoes!

Do you feel comfortable?


When you wear repaired clothes or shoes and go out?

Erm, I think that others may judge me.

As long as you are committed to minimalism and environmental protection, other's judgement just seeing your outfit does not matter. Oh yeah, should they themselves get motivated from your action, you are already a hero in environmental activism.

I recall a day when my partner suggested me to buy a new pair of shoes as the one (in the picture) had soles separated from the body.

Things turned to different direction; we first tried to try a mending service!

As I have been committing myself for (self-perceived) pro-environmental actions, the outcome of the shoes mending service led me to think again. Yes, I did not buy a new one.

Mend your Shoes and Become a Minimalist
Did you read the story of these pair of shoes? Should you want to pour some words, do comment below.

With that decision, I think that there has been multiplier effects. For example, the cobbler got a commissioned job. The damaged shoes did not go to the dumping site. I saved money, and what else?

With this blog post, I may inspire few more people if they take time to read this short piece. Look at my mended shoes (in the picture). I believe that they look (somehow) nice!

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