
Free Blogger Templates in 2025

I have curated top Blogger templates based on my observation. These free Blogger templates come in XML files. I looked for hassle-free customization and profiles of developers for the purpose.

A blogger in Google's Blogger platform may wish to install a splendid yet free theme. The main concern of many contemporary bloggers may be user experience. Furthermore, they might also want functionalities that help in the establishment of nuances of relations with the visitors.

While the bloggers have been looking for free Blogger themes, they also wish that the developers of the free themes should have a reputation for being technical and contemporary in terms of design and SEO (search engine optimization). In this post, I consider these demands and hence recommend the best free Blogger templates whose XML files are readily available with no strings attached.

Free Blogger Templates
Selection Criteria: The free Blogger templates mentioned in this post are chosen in a way that these best fit for bloggers (and digital entrepreneurs) to install in their Blogger-based blogs/websites. Professional look, SEO advantage, and functionalities are key criteria while doing so.

Fiksioner Blogger Template

Fiksioner Blogger template has been getting massive updates since its first release. Developed by Igniel, an Indonesian developer, you can find what you wish for your 'personal blog'. Blogging professionals can confidently choose this template. You can download this theme file from Igniel's website.

Jet Theme Blogger Template

JetTheme Blogger template is one of the most popular free Blogger templates. It is super lightweight, fast-loading, and apparently SEO-friendly. You can find the XML file of this template in the GitHub repository of the developer.

Derelogy Blogger Template

Derelogy Blogger Template is developed by Igniel. It looks similar to Fiksioner Blogger template, yet it has a unique design and features. Igniel is generous enough to provide such an amazing Blogger theme for free. To download this template, please visit Igniel's website.

Webium Blogger Template

Webium is an attractive Blogger template that has a look and feel like that of the Medium platform. This template is developed by El Creative Academy, Indonesia. It is screen-responsive and fast-loading which can have a positive effect on SEO. You need to download the XML theme file of this template in the ZIP file provided on the release page of the GitHub Repository.

VTrick Blogger Template

This can be probably the most generous free Blogger/Blogspot template. This 'made in Vietnam' Blogger template offers much more than some premium counterparts can do. Please find the XML file of VTrick Blogger template in GitHub.

Tema Banua Blogger Templates

Tema Banua prepares and sells Blogger templates for various purposes. They are seen offering various Blogger templates for free. All you have to do is check their page listing the free Blogger themes time and again to see which Blogger templates are available as free XML files. Those may be available to be downloaded as ZIP files.

Blanter Wisdom Blogger Template

This theme is developed by Blanter Theme. This is best for personal blogging. Though it is a free theme, the developer has been apparently revising the theme from time to time. Are you interested? You can check the download page of Blanter Wisdom Free Blogger Template.

Pixel Blogger Template

Pixel Blogger Templates comes in the list of many recommenders of free Blogger Templates. I could not verify who developed this theme. Hence, I decided not to indulge more in this. You can search for this on the internet and use it for your Blogger-based website.

Sharing Life in TW Blogger Template

I found this Blogger template in GitHub. In fact, this Blogger template does not have a brand name. Developed by Ricky Chuang, this Blogger template was made for his personal blog which is also available to interested ones. Just visit the GitHub repository and copy the XML code to use as your Blogger-based website's theme.

BFB-Bootstrap Blogger Template

This is also found in GitHub. This one was developed by a Japanese developer named Monaka. Her personal site is also based on the BFB Bootstrap Blogger theme. Wanna check the template? Please check the GitHub repository where you can find the XML file and other resources.

BFB-Bulma Blogger Template

This is the second Blogger template by the Japanese developer Monaka who also made the BFB-Bootstrap Blogger template. This too is available as an XML file in the GitHub repository. Her blog on Minecraft is also based on this theme.

Infastio Blogger Template

Infastio Blogger template comes in two variants- namely infastio flat and infastio card. Each of these has a premium version and a free version. Developed by Yanuar ZG, this responsive Blogger theme also has impressive appeal in UX. You may be more than surprised to discover this free Blogger theme.

Bioffiliate Blogger Template

Bioffiliate Blogger template is available both as free and paid Blogger theme. It is also developed by Yanuar ZG. This fast-loading Blogger theme has unique UX that can be best used for personal blogs that can also do affiliate marketing.

Textrim Blogger Template

Yet another Igniel Blogger Theme is being promoted here. Textrim free Blogger theme is super fast and responsive Blogger theme which can be used in personal/professional blogs. The main feature of this blog is that it does not load featured image in the homepage.

TrickBD Blogger Template

This Blogger theme is developed by Al Sayeed. This professional looking free Blogger template is found as an installation-ready XML file in GitHub.

Astra Style Blogger Template

This Blogger theme is also developed by Al Sayeed and . This is inspired from a popular WordPress theme- Astra. The XML file of this template is also found in GitHub.

DevBlog Blogger Template

Inspired by Bootstrap 5 DevBlog Theme by 3rd Wave Media, this Blogger template developed by Al Sayeed offers professional and unique design to aspirant bloggers in Google's Blogger platform. This too, is found as XML file in GitHub repository.

Emerge Blogger Template

This simple-looking Blogger theme is aimed to those who have creativity as main blogging theme. Created by Sadaf, you can download the XML file and complete package in Gumroad platform.

Gila Material Blogger Template

Perhaps this free Blogger theme is the richest Blogger theme among freely available ones. This theme comes with no mandatory footer credit. This theme also comes with SEO friendly design and outlook for professional blogs that can also be used by the teachers. You can also put ample adsense codes in this theme. Developed by Gilatemax, you may want to try their one and only free Blogger theme called Gila Material Free Blogger Theme.

Reportal Blogger Template

Developed by YZtheme, Reportal Blogger theme is one of the most modern Blogger theme freely available. It is fast loading aesthetically pleasing and friendly to multiple devices and search engines. You may want to download Reportal Blogger theme.

The list of the Blogger themes that I have mentioned here is based on my personal observation. I may not follow the recent status of these themes, nor may I succeed in updating the list with the most useful contemporary themes.


I would suggest that the bloggers can spend some money after exploring the best premium Blogger templates for one's blog. Nevertheless, the free Blogger templates mentioned in this post may definitely offer what is needed in the personal/professional blogs.


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